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The Hunger Games 2012 Online Anschauen

The Hunger Games"

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The Hunger Games 2012


173 peinlich genau




AVCHD 1440p


Science Fiction, Adventure, Fantasy




Padilla, Darcia O. Zixuan, Labica L. Fabri

The Hunger Games 2012 The Hunger Games ganzer film deutsch, The Hunger Games online stream - Ganzer film, The Hunger Games ganzer film online stream - Deutsch

Very well made movie with quality writing, acting and cinematography.

**Pros**: strong performance from the star. Technically excellent.

**Cons**: Seems to me that the ending was premature but perhaps intentionally so - for a sequel? Character development is largely weak but there are a lot of characters and already a long movie so I suspect a lot was left on the cutting room floor.

Despite some weakness, still a compelling movie worth a watch if not up to all of the hype.
Stories about revolution can be quite good. But stories about why a revolution is needed are invariably great. The Hunger Games is such a story.

The movie (for the most part), closely follows the book, and does a good job of it. It also sets up the next book/movie beautifully, even better than the book itself does.

The premise, of course, is borrowed from Ancient Rome, when gladiators and/or criminals an/or people whom the emperor wanted killed were forced to fight each other to the death in a public arena for the entertainment of the general populace. And just as decadent as Rome was back then (only rescued from itself by the rise in prominence of The Christian sect), so the "Capitol" is now portrayed in the film/book---and the film portrayed the affluent decadence of the Capitol quite well.

In this particular instance the "tributes" were chosen at random from among children aged 12 through 18, and it was meant as retribution and reminder of the "crimes" the 12 colonies committed by reveling against the authority and rule of the Capitol 74 years ago. At the public "reaping", when a boy and a girl were chosen to become the sacrificial tributes at teach of the 12 colonies, the Decree of Punishment was read and the colonies were reminded that this punishment was established to demonstrate how weak the colonies were in comparison with the Capitol, in that the Capitol could take the most prized possessions of the colonies (namely, their children), and the colonists themselves could do nothing about it. And to really rub it in, the colonists themselves were forced to watch the tournament proceedings.

I have to say, the punishment is deviously clever from the point of view of the Capitol. It certainly keeps the Colonies divided in spirit (they were already segregated physically, with no communication between them allowed by the Capitol), for in cheering for their own children they are therefore cheering for the defeat---and therefore death---of the other colonies' children. It also keeps colonists divided within each colony, for there can only be one champion, which means that in wishing their children not to be chosen at the reaping, each colonist is thereby wishing that someone else's children be chosen. Furthermore, in celebrating that their children were not chosen, they are also, incidentally, celebrating that some other person's children will likely die. And for the families of the chosen children, in supporting their own family member during the tournament, they are incidentally supporting the death of the other family's child. And it keeps the population of the colonies low, which the Capitol would want to promote (less chance for another insurrection if the population is low): for the youngest are taken, before they are married, and those who survive the yearly reapings will think twice about having children of their own and having them go through this traumatic process year after year during their most vulnerable adolescent years. And furthermore, the Capitol encourages the colonists' tacit endorsement by rewarding the winner's Colony with extra food that year (hence "The 'Hunger' Games"). But it is all manipulation, in the end.

In fact, by the end of the Games, right before being killed himself, one of the most avid killers among the children realizes just how much it all is the Capitol's manipulation, how pointless it all is to those who participate, and how, in the end, he didn't really have a chance---that he was destined to die from the beginning---and that killing or being killed is all that not only the Capitol, but also his Colony, want from him. An eye-opening realization for someone who up to this point had been quite eager to kill his fellow children.

Given the vicious circumstances which were thrust upon these children---none of which is their fault---the question naturally arises: how should a child bound under the moral law behave? Should he try to win, by killing the other children? Should they try to win at all? Should they let themselves be killed, in order that another might live?

Of course, the obvious moral choice would be for none of the children to participate in this horrendous form of reality television: if they do not fight each other the show is not interesting, and eventually it is discontinued. The children would likely still be executed, along with many of their own family members in reprisal from the Capitol. If one thinks in terms of consequences only (utilitarianism), then this would be the wrong approach: after all, they would say "it is better that one person survives than that they---and all their families---die". But such thinking is quite repugnant, however logical it is. Consequentialism is missing a big piece of the moral landscape, namely that we ought not to become evil ourselves in our fight against evil. Yes, the consequences of "civil disobedience" as could morally be practiced in this scenario are more dire in terms of the quantity of damage made. But they are much more preferable in terms of the quality of damage made. By fully participating in the carnage (and inflicting some yourself) you become complicit in the very evil which oppresses you. Similarly, your family, and even your colonies (and all colonies, for that matter) become part of the system, and in some tacit way endorse it---for they all want their children to live, and tacitly support the other colonists' children's death. Furthermore, what kind of person does one become after killing 23 children by brutal means at a very young age (when the impressions of life still shape us in a powerful manner)? What kind of society does one help create when one has inwardly become a psychotic monster? What kind of society abides criminal monsters in its midst?

But, some will claim, it is unrealistic to expect each and every child to be morally minded, especially when some children (from two different colonies which are highly favored by the Capitol) actually volunteered for the "honor" to represent their colonies at the tournament. What is the correct moral response when civil disobedience is not an option (no opportunity) and some, if not most of the other children are out to kill you, whether by pleasure or need to survive?

It seems to me there are two possible moral responses. one of them is the route of self-defense, whereby one does not intentionally kill or go out of one's way to engage the enemy, but tries to flee as a first alternative, BUT where one DOES defend oneself against the attacks of others, and inflicts only as much harm as is necessary to stop the aggressor, AND only if absolutely necessary one uses lethal force. In the end, very likely, the Capitol would force matters to a resolution, either by forcing "aggressors" and "defensors" into a particular area (very good television), or by artificially creating natural/artificial disasters which killed whomever they disliked most. But, again, this would be the Capitol's doing: an evil force acting evilly which one cannot stop. One would have been preserved from sinking to doing/becoming evil.

The other moral route, the more perfect route, would be the route of Jesus: to willfully become the sacrificial lamb for the sake of spiritual (and therefore) moral change. The martyrs of the Church have for ages followed this route, to the spiritual benefit of the whole Church, and the cultural benefit of all humanity. The spiritual benefit is quite and readily seen through the Communion of Saints, whereby these martyr's love renews and creates the Church anew, greatly adding to the spiritual gifts of which the rest of us partake---gifts which slowly transform us for the better, over years and generations. And it is this transformation which over the centuries affects culture. Gradually better people live their lives out in gradually better communities. And Love wins out at the end of time. After all, very few societies nowadays would consider it acceptable to inflict the tortures which were inflicted to prisoners (especially Christians) in the ancient days of Rome: we are all repulsed by the Capitol's Decree of Punishment. If we only partook more of those graces which Christ offers through His Church!

One particular odd feature of the book (and the film) is the avoidance of any mention of God or religion whatsoever. Not even empty phrases deriving from religion appear ("My Gosh", "God willing", Christmas, Thanksgiving, etc.). Why is that, especially when the subject matter so clearly lends itself to a religious treatment? Why is that, when the least historically educated among us would have heard the stories of the Christians ushered into the Colosseum to be executed/sacrificed? The closest religious reference is when Katniss Everdeen improvises a type of tribute around a fallen friend and ally in the game by creating a bed of flowers for her: the very earliest expressions of the religious impulse, as some Anthropologists would tell us. Why has the author scrubbed her book from religion at all? Is she so antagonistic to religion that she will not abide it in her book, even when it seems quite apt? If so, the bed of flowers tell us that the most primitive of religious impulses remain with her still. Or is the author trying to appeal to everyone, thus removing religion from the surface of her story so as to not alienate people of different religion than the one she chose to portray, while at the same time infusing her work with religious themes at the substrate level, where they are more powerful? Or is her point that the despotic Capitol destroyed all hope quite successfully, even the Hope of God? Given the richness of the religious themes I see in this book/movie below the surface, I am very much inclined to believe that the last of these options is the correct one. But I may be seeing what I want to see, simply because I like the story.

Now, turning to the more artistic features of the movie: The most impressive performance was done by the actor who played President Snow. His facial expressions were insuperable and spoke tons in the few lines he delivered throughout the film. His performance was astoundingly good, his face delivering contempt, skepticism, and hatred (sometimes all at once) along with the "weight of office" while speaking seemingly innocuous lines, or even while congratulating the winners (there were two winners from District 12, thanks to the cleverness of Katniss Everdeen in turning the television show against its organizers!) of the 74th Hunger Games. He single-handedly set up the next movie installment.

But the casting of Peeta is all wrong. From the book it is clear that Peeta is not handsome at all, that Peeta is the boring guy who never had a chance when it came to women, and who doesn't have a chance when it comes to Katniss Everdeen who clearly has feelings for another guy. Which makes it all the more poignant that he is desperately in love with her, and is willing to give up his life for her. In the movie he is played by a movie-star-handsome actor who clearly would have trouble keeping women away from him, and who would therefore be quite self-centered and clueless, rather than the thoughtful man he is in the book.
I had not really bothered to put this movie on my to-watch shelf since I felt it was not really my cup of tea but when my wife and oldest son wondered why we did not have it in our collection I thought, well, okay let us get it then. Actually I got the set with the two movies that have been released and yesterday we watched the first one.

Well, as far as I am concerned, it is not a turkey, it is rather “okayish” but I certainly do not understand all the hype. It is really far from a great movie. But then, I am probably somewhat biased since, as I wrote above, I did not really think this movie was my cup of tea. Anyway, it starts of with a lot of scenes in “wobblycam”. I have not met any person outside of the movie industry and self-proclaimed so-called “critics” that actually likes it when the camera wobbles around, scenes are blurred and you generally get nauseous by watching. Bad start!

The backbone of the story is ludicrous to say the least. Part of the world leaves in luxury when the rest is starving. Been there, seen that. Every year a seemingly random selection of kids, not adults but kids, are selected to fight to the death under some silly pretext of “preserving the peace”. As I said, ludicrous. The entire air of ludicrousness is enforced by the wacky costumes, makeup and hair styles of the people in the capitol. As I science fiction and fantasy fan I could easily live with this but, sadly, the movie made me only mildly interested in following the characters to the end.

The acting in general is adequate but nothing special. Having said that it must be difficult to actually make anything out of some of the silly roles in this movie. I for sure would laugh my head off every time I entered a scene with all of those ludicrous (yes I know I have used that word a lot in this review, live with it) costumes. The main characters act like the children, with absolutely no clue what they are doing, that they indeed are. This is of course entirely in line with the story but still, the main character is spending a lot of the time running away and sitting around looking startled, sorry or depressed when the games start. I have to say that, at times, the movie felt a bit boring. I have liked several movies that are very slow but here it simply did not sit right.

The games themselves with those dickheads in control and the changing rules, well they were mostly frustrating.

This movie, to me, is a movie for a young adult audience. I have not read the books and I can see how this kind of story would work for a YA book. Personally I was not unhappy having seen the movie and now, having watched the first of the movies I will watch the rest as well but for me it was okay as a two-hour diversion, nothing more.
I don't really know what's so special about this movie. I found "The Running Man" or "Total Recall" much more deep thought than this. Is it maybe that the main character is a female?

Still, it is entertaining and, in this regard, it does its job.
The Hunger Games is a new concept in a long line of post-apocalyptic future fantasies. Where other stories of the same genre often deal with technology and artificial intelligence as the main threat to human existence, Hunger Games actually takes us back to Roman times, with a revitalised version of "Panem et Circenses" or "Bread and Circuses". Simply put; human devastation as mass entertainment. Welcome to Panem: formally known as The United States of America, where every year, a young man and woman from each of the twelve districts are selected to fight each other to the death, with only one possible survivor. These Games are broadcasted on national television as a means to keep the people happy and submissive.

Considering the fact that this film is based on a teen book series (written by Suzanne Collins), I can't help but feel this concept is pretty far out there, and actually it's kind of sick. It's not a pretty idea to think that one day we might live in a world where watching young people, ranging from 12 to 18 years old, brutally murder each other is considered to be a form of mass entertainment. Thankfully, this is 'just' a story, and I must say, a very entertaining one at that (no pun intended).

The story revolves around the two youngsters from District 12, where the people are dirt poor and life is utterly desolate. 16-year-old Katniss Everdeen volunteers as 'tribute' to fight in the Hunger Games, after her little sister is initially selected. Her male counterpart is Peeta Mellark, and together they set off to train for and participate in the Games.

The character of Katniss is played by Jennifer Lawrence, and she is terrific. Actually, she is my biggest recommendation for watching this film. Before this, I had only seen her in X-Men: First Class and thought she was pretty good, but after seeing The Hunger Games, it's not hard to see why this 21-year-old already has her first Oscar nomination under her belt. She has a very natural quality about her, which makes it very easy to make you empathise with her character. She's not a superficial, happy-go-lucky kind of girl; she's actually very sullen, not even particularly likable. And yet you just love her from the get go. I guess it's charisma, and Jennifer Lawrence definitely has it.

Actually, this film is full of great actors. One of the greatest is definitely Stanley Tucci, who plays his most flamboyant role yet. His character (Caesar Flickerman, the TV-host who emcees the Games) is ridiculously over-the-top, but brilliantly amusing. With blue hair, prosthetic teeth and a big horse's smile which he flashes incessantly, he looks like a PG-13 version of the Joker. And if you're at all familiar with Tucci's work and talent, you know just what I mean when I say he's making this character appear to be oh-so nice, yet subtly sadistic at the same time. He's just great, period. Woody Harrelson also has a pretty interesting role as Haymitch Abernathy, a once-winner of the Hunger Games, who now mentors Katniss and Peeta in their training. He's scruffy and gnarly, basically just typically another weird Woody character, which is always worth the watch. Wes Bentley plays Seneca Crane, a character most notable for his unusual facial hair: he sports a beard Lucifer himself would be proud of. However, the biggest surprise to me was Elizabeth Banks, whom I am well familiar with, but never really cared for because I only know her from superficial, comedic roles. I was pleasantly surprised to see that she can also play challenging roles like this one. She plays Effie Trinket, a bizarre, neo-Renaissance type from the richest District, big wig, crazy make-up and all. She's pretty much the female version of Tucci's character and she was a delight to watch, beautifully grotesque in all her decadence.

Unfortunately, it can't all be great. I had three major problems with this film. One: if you haven't read the book, there's a lot that doesn't make sense. They really should have spent a little more time explaining everything, because more than once it simply wasn't clear to me what was going on and why. And that's a risk no filmmaker should take. Two: Peeta's character. It could be just me of course, but he annoyed the crap out of me. He just comes across as such a sissy that it's frustrating to watch. Katniss burns her leg and deals with it. Peeta cuts his leg and stays lying in a cave because he "can't walk". And then he lets her take care of him, at the risk of her own life. Give me a break. Three: totally disappointing climax. I was waiting for fireworks, for Katniss having to make brutal decisions, but this never happened. It just kind of faded out.

And this is how you can clearly tell this story has a mainly teenage demographic, and they obviously wanted to keep it PG-13. Because despite the sometimes pretty brutal violence, nasty use of weaponry and tomato ketchup-a-plenty, overall the whole just lacked, well (pardon my French)...balls. You can tell they tried to spike things up a bit here and there, but the film failed to make things truly interesting at moments where it definitely should have been. In my opinion, had they decided to make this rated-R, it would have been infinitely better.

Having said that, you can rest assured there is still plenty to enjoy. Visually it is absolutely awesome and simply beautiful. The costumes and make-up are great, as are the CGI effects. The characters (aside from Peeta...) are great, and the whole futuristic 'universe' that is created is pretty inventive.

There is actually still a lot more I would like to say, but I've reached my word-limit, so I'll just leave you with this: Thumbs up!
_(April 2012)_
A powerful movie that crosses several genres. From various post-apocalyptic movies we are shown the world after a worldwide disaster that has destroyed our civilization and left a more brutal one. From Spartacus the idea of gladiator games, with the added horror that these "fighters" are children who are presumably too naive to put up any resistance to the regime. From 1984 we have futuristic technology which can monitor anything the victims do, giving them no privacy in their last moments.

But the originality is in the heroine -- a tomboy determined to stay alive without losing her integrity. How can she keep herself and her friends alive in a fight when only one victim will be allowed to leave the arena intact, and an entire decadent empire is arrayed against her? This part was given to Jennifer Lawrence, who impressed audiences so well that she inspired numerous later action heroines -- Tris in DIVERGENT, Wonder Woman, Arya Stark, and others

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John Wick 2014 filme kostenlos anschauen -720p-AAF

John Wick 2014 Online Anschauen

John Wick"

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John Wick 2014


196 Minute




FLA 1440p


Action, Thriller


Magyar, English, Pусский


Polly, Merle T. Ayshe, Clavier L. Deiniol

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This is very much my kind of movie. Straightforward, lots of good action, our hero never waivers from his path and no social or emotional nonsense. Those who have watched the movie might wonder why I claim that there is not emotional nonsense since the entire plot is driven by John Wick’s very emotional response to his wife’s death and the subsequent killing of the dog that he received as a last present from her. What I mean with “no emotional nonsense” is that John Wick is never second guessing himself, the movie never really tries to portray him as an “ordinary” guy having second thoughts about killing the bad guys and he doesn’t go into some silly “oh should I really pull the trigger” trance and drops the gun in the worst possible moments as is done in a lot of movies. Sure, there are emotions in this movie. Rage and thirst for revenge in particular with the addition of a healthy dose of fear from the bad guys…eventually that is.

The plot of the movie is, as I wrote, quite straightforward and classical. Retired hit man gets wronged by idiot son of big bad guy. Hit man gets pissed off and goes on a quest for revenge. People die (a lot of them). Hit man and big bad guy have a show down at the end. In terms of story that is about it. However, such a story can be told and presented in a good and entertaining way and in a less good and entertaining way. As far as I am concerned the way the story is told in this movie is very, very entertaining.

Keanu Reeves is quite good as the hit man. So are the big bad guy and most of the other actors of any importance. During the course of the movie we get more than a few glimpses into John Wick’s former life and it is a quite cool background that have been elaborated. The secret world that John Wick was once part of and how it works and operates would be worthy a good old-fashioned James Bond movie.

Then of course there is the action. It is an action movie so you do expect quite some expenditure on the action and this movie do not disappoint. There are lots of action and it is good action. Sure, the ease by which John Wick picks off his opponents waiving his gun(s) in all direction without hardly looking is sometimes a bit over the top but it is still done with a fluidness and grace that just makes it … so cool. The gun fights are generally mixed up with some equally good martial arts close combat stuff and it is really well woven together.

One thing that I really like with this movie is that John Wick is the cool, cold, determined, not to be pissed off, killing machine from start to finish. There are really no slow parts or “obligatory” scenes of doubt and self-recrimination. It is “the bad guys will pay” all the way. This of course gives the opportunity to include some other elements that I quite like in a story like this. For instance the parts where the spoiled total idiot son of the big bad guy slowly gets his arrogance replaced by some good, honest to God, fear. Fear of death and fear of the guy he so carelessly pissed off.

Needless to say, I enjoyed this movie a lot when I sat down to watch it with my oldest son yesterday.
I don't get why this movie has such good reviews. It simple and quite uninteresting. Lots of actions and well known faces (many from TV series), but nothing else. The same old brainless plot to justify tons of bullets.

Keanu Reeves is the John Wick of the title, a grieving one man army who gets tipped over the edge when gangsters kill his dog. Carnage ensues.

The paying public do like a good revenge flick, there have been plenty this last couple of decades, and they do go down well. Once the set-up has been staged - Wick grieves at the loss of his loved one - gets some small joy via a pet - only to have that snatched away from him, then the film becomes a joyously unstoppable actioner.

Wick, in good hands with a moody and beefy Reeves (face fuzz strange, though) strong in presence, cuts a swathe through the gangland eastern blockers. And that's pretty much it! Characterisations are thin on the ground, it's a bit nutty and of course preposterous, but boy is it fun. There you go, a box office winning actioner without pretensions. Enjoy. 7/10

John Wick is an excellent revenge action movie that raises the bar with its excellent lighting, cinematography, and martial arts displays from Keanu.

Mr Wick spends the rest of the film getting even with a mob boss for the actions of his son who killed his dog and stole his car. As far as the plot goes, its pretty simple but there is a lot of depth to the world.

Reeves displays a decent amount of acting range here, but his real talent is bringing bad guys down one headshot at a time. Its glorious to see him smack a guy over the head, hold him down while reloading, and then take him out.

The best thing about this film is the lack of shaky cam-- you can see all the action happening clearly. This is made possible by the dedication of the actors in their martial arts training.

Support films like this, they are a rare breed these days!
**Pure unadulterated action**

John Wick - it's that kind of a character whose name is enough to inflict terror in the minds of people. And whoever isn't terrified doesn't mean that they're better, it just means that they don't know JOHN WICK.

It definitely isn't the first character of it's kind, but very few characters of this kind convince you that they are what they are supposed to be. Let's just say that John Wick kicks a** and he is pretty awesome at that.

I can't think of anyone else to be John Wick other than Keanu Reeves, the guy's living the character on screen. The hand to hand combat, usage of knives and guns, the action, it all seems poetic at times. The thing I loved the most is that there wasn't too much noise, no Boom Boom, just the Bang Bang, exactly what you'd expect from a hit-man.

The cinematography, dialogues, background score, direction, action, everything was just what a movie like this needs. It ticked all the right boxes for me and I think every action movie fan would lap this one up.

It is a great action revenge movie that never runs out of steam throughout it's course. So, everyone who loves to see bullets flying all over the screen, or to quote it better, say hitting just the right spots, go treat yourself to this movie. You'd be glad.

An 8 out of 10

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Magic Mike"

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Magic Mike 2012


125 winzig




MPE 1080p


Drama, Comedy




Ravalec, Burguet O. Ducrot, Balzac K. Lamarre

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Jurassic World"

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Jurassic World 2015


189 Besprechungsprotokoll




AAF 720p


Action, Adventure, Science Fiction, Thriller




Loring, Chaunte I. Fortin, Dore G. Lekisha

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I was a huge fan of the original 3 movies, they were out when I was younger, and I grew up loving dinosaurs because of them. This movie was awesome, and I think it can stand as a testimonial piece towards the capabilities that Christopher Pratt has. He nailed it. The graphics were awesome, the supporting cast did great and the t rex saved the child in me. 10\5 stars, four thumbs up, and I hope that star wars episode VII doesn't disappoint,
Overall action packed movie... But there should be more puzzles in the climax... But I really love the movie.... Excellent...
I've never been a fan of this series. The only impressive thing of the original was the graphics that were, at the time, breathtaking. But we all know great graphics alone can't save a film.
I watched this new effort just to see how far CGI has come in the time since the original and I can safely say, not very far. From the opening scene with the terrible looking and poorly animated bird, it's obvious that CGI has reached its limits in recreating realistic content.
As for the film. The dreadful script and annoying characters helped me lose any interest after about 15 mins. Ok for the age range it's aimed at I suppose, but there are far better films out there worthy of your money.
Untamable Devil.

One thing that would be 100% guaranteed prior to the release of Jurassic World, is that whatever the quality, or lack of, the notices would be mixed. Thus the reactions would be akin to those that Indiana Jones 4 received, charges of ruining childhoods and franchises etc.

Jurassic World does exactly what is expected of it, it's a popcorn blockbuster that plays out as mindless fun, complete with outstanding effects, monster mayhem and moments of dumbness. In fact it's very much a safe sequel, reverting to the original formula without the classy edges of Spielberg's deft touch.

There's a likable cast fronting up the pic, with Chris Pratt as the hero carrying some olde adventure chops about him, and Bryce Dallas Howard (her natural beauty sparkling on Blu-ray) a fun femme side-kick. The writers introduce a couple of new mighty monsters to the series, hell of beasties for sure, while the photography, stunt work and musical score all impress greatly.

The Velociraptor plot line is crummy and daft, almost as daft as Bryce's high heels character arc, and the familiarity factor does grate a little at times, but it's a rollicking good time not to be taken remotely seriously like it's some sort of series disgrace. 7/10
All in all this movie brought back the franchise that started out and captured the worlds attention. From the T-Rex chasing them down the road in there jeep to the velociraptors stalking them and picking them off one by one.

Jurassic World brought the franchise back to the state of reality. (If dinosaurs were real, this would be the set up for a park and containment of dinosaurs).

Chris Pratt did a great job on not only playing his part but looking it as well. Mis. Howard did ok. It seemed like she stumbled through most of her scenes and didn't bring key emotional expressions or reactions to the scene moments. But with her OCD and control issues played up against Mr. Pratt it brought the key relationship to tie the movie together.

This is a must see movie!
Not bad
Well choreographed action set-pieces. Good effects. Dinosaurs are magnificent.

Annoyingly cliched characters. Stupid story. I thought the idea of commercialism and ethics could have and should have been explored better. A character talks about never being able to match the first part which is true. Not sure if they were trying to be funny or just self-referentially depressing.

Chris Pratt was good. Everyone else was pointless.

No where near the first. I would even prefer to watch Jurassic Park 3 than this.

**Jurassic World: A Jurassic Disappointment**

As a fan of the Jurassic Park franchise, especially the first movie, I am quite disappointed with Jurassic World. I was honestly super stoked for the long-awaited sequel to Jurassic Park, but in the end, the movie lacked the charm and mysticism from Jurassic Park. From poorly-developed characters (with the exception of Chris Pratt's Owen Grady) to idiotic plot elements, Jurassic World's only saving grace is the fact that it's a sequel to Jurassic Park.

The dinosaurs honestly look awful and pale in comparison to the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park. The CGI is so obvious and doesn't look realistic at all. Jurassic Park found the right balance of practical effects and computer-generated imagery, giving viewers the feeling that the dinosaurs feel so life-like. Jurassic World basically uses minimal practical effects in favor of CGI galore. It's sad that a 1993 movie has better CGI than a movie made in 2015.

Claire and her nephews Gray and Zach, are cheap imitations of John Hammond and his grandchildren Tim and Lex. Claire is primarily motivated by greed and exploiting the dinosaurs. Hoskins just wants to use the dinosaurs as military weapons. Dr. Henry Wu is a bit more antagonistic, revealed to be secretly creating hybrids for Hoskins as military weapons. The only character that's given some form of development is Owen Grady, played by Star-Lord a.k.a Chris Pratt. His motivations are for researching Velociraptor behavior and actually treats the dinosaurs like living creatures and not just exploited science experiments. Honestly the only redeeming factor throughout the entire movie.

The Indominus Rex tricks the personnel into thinking it's escaped confinement by clawing away at the top of its enclosure. They somehow believe the dinosaur escaped, but wouldn't security be alerted right away? The enclosure doesn't come equipped with bells and whistles? To much surprise (not), the Indominus is actually inside the enclosure with them. This idiotic plot choice allows the Indominus to escape.

Zack and Grey revisiting the original site of Jurassic Park brought back so many nostalgic memories of Jurassic Park. One of the best moments of the entire movie, absolutely loved when they picked up the Jurassic Park banner and the goggles used by Tim. But what killed the moment was when they managed to get the original Jeep started. It's been sitting for over 20 years, non-operational. But for plot convenience, they learned how to fix vehicles previously.

I thought the assault upon the park attendees by the pterosaurs was chilling, swooping up people in the process. Gave a sense of terror that you could actually feel. One of those people being Zara, Claire's assistant. She is attacked by a pteranodon and then eventually eaten alive by the mosasaurus. Her death was just way too drawn out and totally undeserving. A death like this should have been reserved for the villain.

The final battle between the Indominus Rex and Owen's pack of surviving Velociraptor brought me back to the battle between the T-Rex and raptors in Jurassic Park. Then Claire brings out the T-Rex, the very same one from Jurassic Park, and manages to outrun the T-Rex IN HEELS. I was rooting for the T-Rex to win, then the Mosasaurus swoops up and drags the Indominus into the lagoon.

Though this movie attempts to bring back the Jurassic Park charm, it ultimately fails to capture that same magic. Unlike The Force Awakens, another similar movie that calls back to its roots, Jurassic World managed to be much worse than its source material. You feel no true connection to the characters or dinosaurs, the excitement factor is gone, and the music is not memorable at all.

My Rating: 5.5/10.0
Most assuredly the best sequel to _Jurassic Park_, but it doesn't touch the original. "Not being as good as a different movie" is not what's bad about _Jurassic World_ though, what is though is the dropped plotlines, unlikeable characters, haphazard mixing of respect and disrespect for the original at random intervals, a **complete** lack of chemistry between any two characters whatsoever, but most of all the romantic leads, underdeveloped arcs of both characters and story, more Deus Ex Machinas than you can shake a stick at, and some of the most painful dialogue I've seen in a Hollywood flick all year.

But there's Bryce Dallas Howard proving (when given the chance) she's an acting force, which was a particularly pleasant surprise given that the last thing I saw her in was _Spider-Man 3_. Chris Pratt doesn't for a moment make you believe he is anyone other than Chris Pratt, but Chris Pratt is a pretty rad dude so that's more or less a chip in the film's favour.

It also has dinosaurs, so there's that.

_Final rating: ★★½ - Had a lot that appealed to me, didn’t quite work as a whole._

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Captain America: The First Avenger"

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Captain America: The First Avenger 2011


174 Konzept




MPEG-1 720p


Action, Adventure, Science Fiction


Français, Norsk, English


Fabian, Vasquez X. Dennise, Bette W. Habib

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True to "Captain America," this is the modern (comic book) version of the All American movie. Good guys versus bad guys without a lot of ambiguity. _**NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT**_.

This movie is pretty much perfection for the genre. Entertaining A to Z story with high-end Hollywood professional movie making throughout.
**This is a long form review initially published in 2011:**

Though it ran at over two hours, I did feel that it had plenty of room to go further than it did. I honestly felt like Red Skull could have had a film all to himself, and actually kind of suffered for making him as intriguing as he was.

Chris Evans was an interesting choice as the titular role of Captain America, given that he's already played American sweetheart Marvel Super Hero "The Human Torch" in _Fantastic 4_ and _Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer_. He didn't Oh-My-Gosh blow me away type-thing or what have you, but he was pretty great.

So far in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, I'd slot Captain America clean in the middle. I liked _Iron Man_ and _Thor_ more, but _Iron Man 2_ and _The Incredible Hulk_ less. Marvel Studios stated that the movie they wanted to make was set in the 40's, even though the rest of Marvel Cinematic is modern-day. This was 100% the right move to make, why? Not because of the setting, aesthetics or direction, but because it's fuckin' smart. How do you have the world appreciate an Uncle-Sam loving upper-middle class white male military blindly-loyal patriot? You make him fight the God damn Nazis, that's how.

It may seem strange, but I actually enjoyed the opening of _Captain America_ the most, which he spends a a meek, asthmatic Steve Rogers, yet to undergo the Deus Ex Machina Super Serum. It really showed the best of Evans acting ability, as well as the writing of Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely whom together wrote _You Kill Me_ and The _The Chronicles of Narnia_ Trilogy.

I watched it in 3D, which was more bearable than usual. As the films of MCU progress, each of them becomes more and more a prequel to _The Avengers_, _Captain America_ being the most to date. Despite its almost-entire lack of _Avenger_ cameos, this more than previous films felt like a prequel for what's to come, which is not strictly speaking a good thing.

I had plenty of minor issues with _Captain America_, and though their was quite a number of them, all were minor, and ultimately, the only part of me that regrets watching it was the part that keeps thinking "My fucking God, I have to wait a YEAR before _Avengers_ comes out?!"



Steve Rogers, a scrawny young man, wants to enlist in the US Army and go overseas to fight in WWII. But his size and health means his attempts at enlistment always end the same way -- a 4F rating. Until a scientist sees him and recruits him to try out for a special training program to create a super soldier.


The Marvel universe sticks pretty close to classic script with him being given a serum that jacks his body into super muscle mode. He's already brave and smart, so it would seem like a no-brainer to send him overseas? But the guy in charge of his training doesn't want him, he's just one man, so Rogers ends up doing public relations back home. And he is quite shocked that the men overseas don't react as positively when they see him as the crowds back home. I really enjoyed the way they handle the first battle scene for him, basically him figuring things out as he goes, a far cry from his battle-hardened approaches later.

I even liked his interactions with Agent Carter. I had thought it would be more subtle than it was, and I hoped we'd see a bit more of her operating on her own (after all, they gave her character a whole series on TV!), but she was second fiddle to the hero.


The challenge with a lot of American movies of the war is that it is as if they are the only actors in the war, no allies, just them, and that level of nationalistic narrowmindedness is a bit grating. That may be a small gripe when the show is called CAPTAIN AMERICA, not CAPTAIN OF WORKING WITH ALLIES, but still, it's annoying. I also was disappointed there wasn't a lot more on Red Skull. His history, his abilities, other pursuits, all of it was left basically unreferenced. Sure, some of it shows up elsewhere in the Marvel universe, but a bit more crosswalk would have been nice. I felt he really wasn't that well-fleshed out as the uber villain he could have been.


As an origin story, it lacks pizazz
Definitely the most underrated of all the MCU films, Captain America: The First Avenger is a great war film done comic book style about a little guy making a big difference. Red Skull is one of the better villains simply because of how fantastic Hugo Weaving is. Peggy Carter is a great heroine and Hayley Atwell's performance is an absolute joy. Also, Tommy Lee Jones and Stanley Tucci light up the screen whenever they're on.

With strong action scenes, nicely developed characters, and seamless CGI, Captain America: The First Avenger is perfectly fine as a stand alone film. Shameful that so many audiences were just going out of obligation for The Avengers, because this movie has a lot to offer.

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Rogue One: A Star Wars Story 2016 filme kostenlos anschauen -1440p-MPEG-2

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story 2016 Stream Hd

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story"

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Rogue One: A Star Wars Story 2016


113 Konzept




AVI 1080p


Action, Adventure, Science Fiction




Char, Wiem E. Onfray, Gamblin S. Blériot

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"It carries the burden of being about odds and stakes, of legacies and consequences, of understanding destiny..."

Read the full review here:
Is not my new favourite _Star Wars_ movie. But does contain my new favourite _Star Wars_ scene.

_Final rating:★★★½ - I strongly recommend you make the time._
Fun Star Wars movie. Plenty of homages and nods to the original trilogy throughout the film, Andy plenty of cameos as well. Has amazing action sequences and enough thrills to keep any true Star Wars fan hooked right from the beginning. No opening crawl at the start for a change and a great score by Michael Giachinno, but still includes the original end credits with John Williams' original music. K-2SO is a show stealer and is very funny as a character. Overall the best Star Wars film since Empire Strikes Back in my opinion. The force is with this one.
On the surface, this is a well-made action movie set within the Star Wars universe filled with nods and homages to "A New Hope" that will make you tingle with warm nostalgia. The reappearance of sets, costumes and characters from our favorite childhood movies might make you say "Now, THIS is a Star Wars movie!"

However, nostalgia and making copious amounts of money on that nostalgia seemed to be Disney's primary strategy with this movie. It's mimicry, plain and simple. The CGI recreations of Peter Cushing and Carrie Fisher felt very dirty and a flagrant disrespect to the departed actors, not to mention jarring, for a first time viewer. The digital appearance of Grand Moff Tarkin disengaged me from the frail story and made me settle my stomach with a handful of antacid tablets.

The story, writing, characterization is on-par with what you'd expect from modern cinema and the movie serves it's primary purpose of being entertaining. But, as a long-time Star Wars fan, I just couldn't help but feeling pandered to while watching this movie.
Oups! I just realized that, for some reason, this movie had fallen between the cracks. It was quite some time since I watched it but I seem to have forgotten to write a post about it.

For me this was one of the best of the new (after the original trilogy) Star Wars movies. It was fun, entertaining with plenty of good, old-fashioned Star Wars action. I generally do not like prequels but this time I felt it was nice to get a bit of the background to the statement that “a number of spies died to get this information” in episode IV. We were even provided with a bit of an explanation as to why the Death Star had this silly weakness in the first place.

The actors were doing a decent enough job of it. The chatty android was fun without being totally silly. It was a nice roller coaster ride of action, improvisations, and gung ho ludicrous stunts inside and outside of various forms of transportation means.

As usual with Star Wars the science part of science fiction is somewhat lacking. What looks cool is what is put on the screen and screw science. When reading books I am more sensitive to such things but for a Star Wars movie it works well enough.

Some people seem to be dissecting the characters and dialogue, trying to put logic into it as well as wanting to have more emotions and “character development”. Come on! It is a Star Wars movie. It is supposed to be all action and visually stunning.

On that this movie delivers. Sure the plot is not really the most developed one and has plenty of faults. The movie is till a hugely fun Star Wars based science romp though.
**The episode III½.**

So this is like a bridge between the original trilogy and the next three prequels. A story where the main characters from the original tale are not involved. Being a big fan of this franchise, I loved it. I did not expect big, so got entertained well. But pity that this wonderful characters are not going to return. This is just a one-off film. For seeing its overwhelming success, there could be a prequel, which has a very very slim chance.

The story was like that had started in a half way. That's why I wanted a prequel to tell us the Galen Erso's point of view story. When he has been taken back to the base to work for the Empire, his daughter is the only one who escapes from there. After a few years later the grown- up daughter, Jyn, end up on the rebel's side. When she hints a plan for them to strike the Empire, nobody considers it. But a rogue gang forms where they all does according to her saying. That's the story, and how it all ends are the rest.

The story was simple, but the action-adventures were good. Like what a 'Star Wars' fans want to see. The main drawback was there's no familiar faces around. Even the original franchise style of title and credit presentation was off the beat. Though there were cameos. Darth Vade, Princess Leia, R2D2 and 3PO, including a small lightsabre fight at the end, just to satisfy the fanboys. Overall a worthy film, otherwise it would have not earned one billion at the box office, making one of the top 10 of all time.


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Magic Mike 2012


156 Minute




AVI 1440p


Drama, Comedy




Rangel, Karna N. Ramona, Iasmina F. Finley

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The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo 2011


194 winzig




Dolby Digital 720p


Thriller, Crime, Mystery, Drama




Hennah, Romano D. Llian, Ripert I. Warisha

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American Sniper 2014


183 minuziös




MPE 1080p


War, Action




Jawad, Atiyah Z. Élise, Rolan S. Arwah

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